AI Prompts

ChatGPT Prompts for Email Campaigns

25 ChatGPT Prompts for Email Campaigns

  1. “Generate [number] subject lines for an email campaign about [product or service.].”
  2. “Write [number] holiday-themed subject lines about clothes shopping.”
  3. “What are the best subject lines to increase open rates?”
  4. “What are best practices for writing an engaging email subject line?”
  5. “Write 10 post-purchase email subject lines for [company].”
  6. “Write the body copy for a promotional email campaign about [company] spring sale. Write in an upbeat and friendly tone.”
  7. “Write a follow-up email for [your brand] with the subject line: [your subject line].”
  8. “Write an outline for a weekly email newsletter from [brand] to [target audience]. Include an intro, main point, conclusion, and call-to-action in the outline.”
  9. “What are best practices for writing engaging email copy for a marketing campaign?”
  10. “List 5 topics I should write about in my next email newsletter.”
  11. “How can I avoid my emails being marked as spam?”
  12. “How can I improve my sender reputation?”
  13. “How can I ensure my emails are easy to read and navigate on mobile devices?”
  14. “How can I make my emails load faster on mobile devices?”
  15. “How should I format my images and media to load properly on mobile devices?”
  16. “List the most common reasons emails are not delivered to the inbox.”
  17. “List the best practices for optimizing an email for mobile devices.”
  18. “What are the most common reasons customers unsubscribe from email lists?”
  19. “What are some of the best tools to manage marketing email lists?”
  20. “How can I boost email subscribers?”
  21. “How can I get off the email blacklist?”
  22. “How can I improve my business’ email list?”
  23. “What factors can decrease email open rates?”
  24. “What factors can boost email open rates?
  25. “List the top 5 email marketing tools.”

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